Rib Smokes’ at Seasons Market By llvOctober 15, 2016July 11, 2018 Categories: Food, General, Seasons Grocery, The Village Join us at Seasons Market tomorrow, Saturday, October 15, from noon to 7:00pm for some of the best slow smoked…
Spooky, Scary but Very Fun Halloween Cruises! By llvOctober 13, 2016July 11, 2018 Categories: General, La Contessa OUR YACHT, LA CONTESSA, HAS BEEN DECLARED “HAUNTED” THROUGHOUT THE MONTH OF OCTOBER! SEVERAL FAMILY-FRIENDLY CRUISES AND ONE 21 AND…
Pub Extends Beerfest Discounts For Homeowners! By llvOctober 12, 2016July 11, 2018 Categories: Food, General, Residents, The Village Joseph is offering deep discounts to all Lake Las Vegas Residents for tickets purchased starting today through October 14, 2016,…
Our Fabulous Fall Festival is Here! By llvOctober 5, 2016July 11, 2018 Categories: Food, General, Music, Residents, The Village Take a look at the wonderful events that are coming to the Village starting this Saturday with the annual Rose…