The Pub Presents: Motelago BEERFEST
Saturday June 1st 2 PM – 7 PM
Grab your sunscreen and make plans with your friends to attend the MonteLago Beerfest located at one of Nevada’s best special event destinations: The Village at Lake Las Vegas!
Village resident The Pub is the official host for the 2018 edition of the festival returning June 1st, 3-8pm. There will be tickets for 2000 beer lovers to sample over 100 beers from over 40 breweries, and live music from the Lake stage until 10pm!
Starting at the Admission Tent, your ticket will get you an ID wristbandand the custom “MLBF” souvenir glass to use for sampling all the great beers available throughout the Village from 3-8pm!
The festival is open to the public to visit the vendor tents and restaurants. But, to sample the beers you’ll need the ID wristband and custom MLBF souvenir glass.
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